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Robert Fripp

Benutzer des kommenden Microsoft-Betriebssystems Windows Vista werden bei ihrer Arbeit voraussichtlich von Sounds begleitet, die von einem berühmten englischen Rockmusiker eingespielt wurden. Der britische Gitarrist und Komponist Robert Fripp hat sich vor einigen Wochen auf dem Redmonder Firmencampus aufgehalten, berichtet Channel 9 eine Website von Microsoft-Entwicklern. Auf Channel 9 wird auch ein Video (WMV-Format, 25 Minuten 41 Sekunden) bereitgestellt, das Fripp bei der Arbeit zeigt.

Beste Grüße


Robert Fripp musiziert für Windows Vista

Antwort #1
ahhhh, ja fein!!!!


Robert Fripp musiziert für Windows Vista

Antwort #2
aha, wer ist das und was kann er?


Robert Fripp musiziert für Windows Vista

Antwort #3
aha, wer ist das und was kann er?


Ein Saiten"Hero" http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Fripp

With David Bowie

        On numerous occasions Fripp has told with relish the story of how, in late July 1977, David Bowie and Brian Eno coaxed him out of quiescence. One version goes like this: "I was in New York and I got a phone call one Saturday night: 'Hello, it's Brian. I'm here in Berlin with David. Hold on, I'll hand you over.' So Mr. B. came on the line and said, 'We tried playing guitars ourselves; it's not working. Do you think you can come in and play some burning rock'n'roll guitar?' I said, 'Well, I haven't really played guitar for three years ... but I'll have a go!'"

        At Bowie's "Heroes" sessions in Berlin, Fripp was able to open up musically once more. He enjoyed the freedom Bowie gave him: Bowie would roll a tape he'd been working on, and Fripp would simply ad lib straight over the top, with little or no premeditation or planning. The first song Fripp played on was "Beauty and the Beast," the album's opener; Fripp describes his contribution as "a creative high spot" for him - "I had an opportunity to be what I was with a guitar." Run through Eno's "sky saw" treatments, which lend them a sort of digital-age wah-wah sonority, Fripp's guitar lines seethe with educated rock primitivism - too bad they weren't mixed louder. A different, magisterially restrained Fripp appears on the title track, "Heroes": here the guitarist makes maximum use of a minimalistic handful of notes, providing a melancholy ostinato against which Bowie's vocal posturings unfold in all their desperate glory.

        "Heroes" occupies a special place in David Bowie's musical development: the album's B side in particular shows the chameleon-like poseur at the height of his experimental musical tendencies - the instrumental pieces "Sense of Doubt," "Moss Garden," and "Neuköln" being among the most compositionally interesting pieces he has ever produced. Rock music is only partly about musical composition, of course, and in subsequent work Bowie was to lapse back into more familiar musical territory. Fripp later contributed guitar parts to Bowie's "Scary Monsters" and "Fashion." In 1987 Fripp said, "The solo on Bowie's 'Fashion' happened at 10:30 in the morning after a long drive back from Leeds gigging with The League of Gentlemen. There's nothing you feel less like in the world than turning out a burning solo - fiery rock and roll at 10:30 in the morning - just out of a truck. But it doesn't matter much how you feel, you just get on with it."

        In Allan Jones's entertaining Melody Maker interview from 1979, Fripp expounded on what he perceived as the similarities between himself, Bowie, and Eno. This trio of rock renegades, according to Fripp, were of similar age and "more or less working-class backgrounds." They were all keen self-promoters. But at the same time, "each of us finds it difficult to accept the responsibility of having feelings. So we tend to work toward cerebration and bodily involvement rather than the exposure of one's feelings."

Beste Grüße


Robert Fripp musiziert für Windows Vista

Antwort #4
aha, wer ist das und was kann er?


geh wolfferl, bitte !!!!!!!


Robert Fripp

Antwort #6

Guitarist extraordinaire and musical theoretician of the highest order, Robert Fripp has dipped his talented fingers into a lot of pies over the years. Besides the many and still-mutating configurations of King Crimson, he's worked with Brian Eno, David Sylvian, Steve Vai, David Bowie and numerous others, often steering his compatriots into cerebral spaces that stretch all involved. He is ranked 42nd on Rolling Stone's list of the "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time." JamBase wishes a very happy birthday to one of the thinking man's greats.

We begin our scattershot walk through Fripp's sonic adventures with a heavy number from back in the day. If these 7-minutes don't fill you up you can continue the journey with Part Two here.

...und dann gibt's noch ganz viele Youtubies auf der Seite!!

--> http://www.jambase.com/Articles/Story.aspx?storyID=18054

Gruß, Z

Antw.: Robert Fripp

Antwort #7
Geburtstag ist morgen, aber das Video hier... -  witzig ;D


Antw.: Robert Fripp

Antwort #8

Bowie mit Schupi-Knolle...


Das Foto ist, glaube ich, nachträglich coloriert.

Antw.: Robert Fripp

Antwort #9
hatte er nicht gestern? egal, die videos mit seiner gattin sind so herrlich👍
auch für nicht-fripp anhänger sehr empfehlrnswert😊
aber wir haben heute ja noch ein geburtstagskind, trent reznor!
irgendwie seltsam, eno am 15., fripp am 16., reznor am 17.....
very creative may guys👍👍👍👍

Antw.: Robert Fripp

Antwort #10
danke für die tollen bilder!
das zweite kannte ich tatsächlich noch nicht


Antw.: Robert Fripp

Antwort #13
Ja, die 2 sind schon verrückt. :D

Antw.: Robert Fripp

Antwort #14
Toyah & Robert's - Agony Aunts - 2021 Episode 1

(mit DB Sekunden ab 3:00 min)

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